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Trump Signs Broad Executive Order

President delivers on promise to punish colleges that don't show they guarantee free speech on campus, and includes language on outcomes data and risk sharing. But it's unclear what force it will carry.

U of Mississippi Seeks to Move Confederate Monument

The University of Mississippi is seeking to move from the center of campus a Confederate statue that has been controversial...

Suggestions to Counter Academic Freedom Threats From China

Human Rights Watch on Thursday released a 12-point code of conduct to help colleges counter Chinese government efforts to undermine...

Pushing Back on Presidential Pick

As University of Texas at El Paso’s leader prepares to step down after 31 years, faculty and students say sole finalist for her job doesn't reflect their heritage, values.

Paid Vacation for Grad Assistants

Boston U formalizes a graduate student leave policy allowing year-round stipend recipients 10 days off.

Few Options for Argosy Graduate Students

In the aftermath of closure, Argosy University graduate and doctoral students have difficulty transferring to new universities.

Letter: 'Racial Profiling Harms Science'

A letter published in Science Thursday from several groups of Chinese or Chinese American scientists registers concerns about what the...

Digital Divides

Scott McLemee reviews two books about our networked society that raise rather dystopian concerns.