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Climbing Faculty Ladder Still Challenge for Women

An analysis of female academic life by Bridget Turner Kelly, associate professor of education at the University of Maryland at...

Auctioning Off College Admissions Spots

LinkedIn post by employee of Harvard Management Company infuriates many -- and is removed. But is it a sign of the times that people are saying auctions might be fairer than current system?

Psychiatry Professor Says He Was Demoted Over Comments on Transgender Kids

Allan Josephson, professor of pediatrics, child and adolescent psychiatry, and psychology at the University of Louisville, says he was discriminated...

‘The Legging Problem’

A letter from a Notre Dame mother, urging women to not wear the gym attire in lieu of pants, prompts backlash and debate.

Promises Ignored?

Yale has pledged millions for faculty diversity, but 13 professors who teach in its ethnicity, race and migration studies program say they'll walk if they don't get the resources and autonomy they've been promised.

Ethical College Admissions: The Legacy of Alan Krueger

The late Princeton economist made an important contribution to understanding higher education, writes Jim Jump.

Perilous Times

Clayton M. Christensen and Michael B. Horn write about why they stand behind their analysis that many private colleges are in trouble.

Tony Soprano, the Electoral College and Varsity Blues

The admissions scandal has Nicholas Soodik thinking about Meadow's college tour and the popular vote, among other things.