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Academic Minute: Elderly Inmates

Today on the Academic Minute, part of University of Dayton Week, Martha Hurley, professor of criminal justice, finds that not...

Taking Down ‘Birth of a Nation’

Chapman University removes posters from prominent places in its film school after students object to centrality of a work full of racism.

The Highs and Lows of Teaching From Afar

In addition to serving students in different locations, online courses are also conducive to teachers who want to work remotely. But doing it effectively can be challenging -- if it's even allowed.

Team Players in Teaching

Models for "unbundling" the faculty role differ by institution -- but administrators of competency-based programs particularly believe their approach suits instructors and helps students grow.

New Online Academic Programs

Colleges begin programs in early childhood education, cybersecurity, strategic management, health data analytics and instructional design.

Professor Criticized for Pro-Israeli, Anti-Palestinian Views

Does movement against DePaul scholar -- focused on his tone and rhetoric -- violate academic freedom?

Study Finds U.S. Loans Don't Inflate Professional School Tuition

Researcher concludes that increase in Grad PLUS loans did not drive up the price of medical and business schools or increase debt burden of those who enrolled.

Women Best Represented Among Lowest-Paid Deans

Women are well represented among deans with the lowest salaries, but they make up less than one-third of the highest-paid...