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Survey on Value of Nondegree Credentials

A nationally representative survey of roughly 50,000 working adults without college degrees found that respondents who hold a certificate or...

Former Coach Admits Guilt in Admissions Scandal

Laura Janke, former assistant coach of women’s soccer at the University of Southern California, pleaded guilty Tuesday in connection with...

‘Born to Win, Schooled to Lose’

Data point to the intersection of race and class in who gets ahead educationally -- regardless of academic talent. Spoiler alert: it helps to be wealthy and white.

Abrupt Departure at Online Learning Consortium

Kathleen Ives, the organization's director since 2013, resigns suddenly and with no explanation. A deputy replaces her.

Help Us Help You: What Should We Cover?

Readers, it's your turn: What issues are keeping you up at night? What strategies to adopt? How to encourage and support the faculty? Which products or services to use?

A Different Sort of Speech Suppression

Student journalists at Transylvania University are up in arms after administrators took away their pay.

The Untapped Potential of Making and Makerspaces

Charles M. Schweik describes four ways higher education could make much more of such educational opportunities.

Anger Over Image of Anne Frank in Bikini

The humor magazine at Harvard University, The Harvard Lampoon, is apologizing for an image that angered many. The image showed...