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‘Why Hasn’t the Hammer Come Down?’

At Knight Commission meeting, sports officials are wondering why -- after NCAA reforms in men's basketball -- presidents and athletics directors haven't taken a stronger role in disciplining unethical coaches.

Minnesota Community College Faculty Will See Nearly $2M in Back Pay

Faculty members at Minnesota's 30 community colleges will see nearly $2 million in back pay after their union settled a...

South Florida's President Donates $20 Million

Many presidents make donations to their colleges and universities, but a gift announced Wednesday stands out in its size. Judy...

Teaching in a Digital Age

This webcast will explore some of the issues associated with teaching in a digital age and the strategies professors and...

Early Childhood Care

Early childhood care is vital. In today's Academic Minute, Harvard University's Stephanie Jones looks into how to study it to...

Former Student, Fair Game?

Institutions tend to either ban student-faculty dating altogether or where a supervisory relationship exists. But they don't ever say professors can't date students who were recently -- sometimes very recently -- in their classes.

ADA Lawsuit Prompts Institutional Change, Draws More Students

Atlantic Cape Community College reformed its accessibility practices after a disability discrimination lawsuit. Now students with disabilities are enrolling in record numbers.

MOOC Platforms' New Model Draws Big Bet From Investors

Australian company's investment of roughly $165 million in Coursera and FutureLearn suggests open course providers have found a viable business model. Not everyone is sold.