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Democratic Divisions on Higher Ed

In first debates of Democratic presidential primary, candidates outline contrasting visions on college affordability, student debt.

A Double-Edged Sword

Elizabeth Warren has been criticized and praised for sounding like a professor -- which she is. How will her academic chops influence her presidential run?

University Vows Not to Consider Journal Quality, but Does

A signatory to a global pledge not to judge academics on where they publish posts a job ad requiring candidates to have published in a high "impact" journal.

Arm-Twisting by Coaches

Coaches of college teams sometimes pressure trainers and other sports medicine staffers over their medical decisions, survey finds, which can put athletes at risk.

Seeking Answers on Loan Relief Claims

With borrowers who attended for-profits having waited years on loan relief applications, lawyers this week sued the Education Department to take action on more than 150,000 claims.

Supreme Court Blocks Census Citizenship Question, for Now

The Supreme Court on Thursday blocked the addition of a question about citizenship to the 2020 Census on the grounds...

Study Recommends Larger State Investment Into Prison Education

A study from the National Conference of State Legislatures concluded investing in prison postsecondary education has benefits to reduce recidivism...

NIH Official Cites 'Egregious' Violations of Foreign Funding Rules

A senior official at the National Institutes of Health said that the number of cases in which universities have fired...