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Report Finds Limited Information on Short-Term Training

A new report from the Institute for College Access and Success warns that little is known about the results of...

UW Oshkosh Settles Lawsuit With Student Alleging Harassment

The University of Wisconsin system has agreed to pay $325,000 to settle a lawsuit brought by a former student at...

Proposal for Federal Income-Share Agreement Program

A paper released Tuesday by the Manhattan Institute proposes a federal income-share agreement that would extend students a single $50,000...

Academic Minute: Latino Immigrants and Drinking

Today on the Academic Minute, Mariana Sanchez, assistant professor in the department of health promotion at Florida International University, explores...

China’s Methane Emissions

We should be concerned about China’s methane emissions. In today's Academic Minute, part of Timely Topics Week, Johns Hopkins University's...

‘A Sweet Racket’? Yeah, Right

When a misleading op-ed in The Wall Street Journal irks academics, it's time for a fact check on faculty work and pay.

To Be Test Optional or Not to Be, for International Students

As more colleges make submission of SAT or ACT scores optional, the decision on whether to require scores from international applicants can raise a different set of issues.

Ethical College Admissions: Chicago Declares Test Optional a Success

The policies deserve a careful look, writes Jim Jump.