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Publishers' Pending Merger Faces Growing Opposition

Concerned about limited purchasing options and potential price increases, students and consumer groups challenge the proposed merger of two major textbook publishers.

This Journal's Future Is Female

Political science association pleases and surprises members with its flagship publication's new editorial team.

California Acts to Fix Problem Blocking Aid for Online Students

State officials set up complaint process for students enrolled at out-of-state public and nonprofit colleges -- but Education Department won't confirm the fix will actually work.

Academic Minute: Uncaged Art and Migrant Children

Today on the Academic Minute, part of University of Texas at El Paso Week, Yolanda Chavez Leyva, associate professor of...

Neil deGrasse Tyson Will Keep His Job at Hayden Planetarium

Neil deGrasse Tyson, head of the American Museum of Natural History’s Hayden Planetarium, will keep his job there, according to...

Performance Funding and Underrepresented Student Enrollment

Roughly 35 states have enacted performance-funding formulas that tie support for public colleges to metrics like graduation rates and degree-attainment...

The Value of Voc Ed

Report finds career and technology education courses have a higher wage return for those with no college degree than academic ones.

The Next Big College Scandal? Parents Giving Up Guardianship for Aid

An investigation by a watchdog journalism organization has discovered dozens of instances in which suburban Chicago parents have given up...