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Deal Reached With Taliban to Free Professors

The Afghan government and the Taliban have agreed on a prisoner exchange that would free two professors at the American...

Academic Minute: Living-Learning Communities

Today on the Academic Minute, Mimi Benjamin, associate professor in the department of student affairs in higher education at Indiana...

Mixed-Age Students

College classrooms are full of mostly traditional students. In today's Academic Minute, Vincennes University's Angie Mayfield explores how shaking up...

States Ramp Up Aid Programs

A report on 2017-18 state grants and aid shows that grant programs, including funding boosts in Florida and New York, contributed to a significant increase in state aid nationally.

Tug-of-War Over Students' Votes

Efforts to suppress -- and protect -- the rights of student voters grow as they become a more influential bloc. Whether they voted in local elections or cast ballots on statewide issues, the elections last week showed the stakes are high.

Rift Over State Reciprocity Rules

New federal rules on distance education highlight long-standing tensions between consumer advocates seeking stronger state-level protections for students and higher education groups seeking shared national standards.

A Truce in the Laptop Wars

The area between the trenches isn’t no-man’s land, argues Zachary Nowak. We can learn to meet in the middle.