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Past as Present

Should more historians weigh in on current policy debates? Panelists at historians' annual gathering say yes.

Ethical College Admissions: Applicants’ Remorse

There are many reasons for the affliction, writes Jim Jump.

Harvard Grad Assistants End Strike With No Contract

Graduate student assistants at Harvard University ended a 29-day strike last week, without having reached a first union contract agreement...

Illinois Professor's Planned Return from Leave Canceled

A law professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign who was on unpaid leave for a year after being...

Producers of Knowledge

This is "Best of" Week on the Academic Minute. For the Best Education Segment Award: Ashley Taylor, assistant professor of...

Looking Abroad and to Faith Groups

Community college in New York is betting on partnerships with other countries and local faith organizations to increase its sagging enrollment.

Free Textbooks for Law Students

Legal scholars are increasingly adopting and creating free textbooks in an attempt to increase affordability for students. But are these textbooks considered open educational resources?