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Local Economy Drives Academic Agenda

Saint Peter's administrators believe students benefit when an institution has mutual economic interests with its host city. As a result, the university is aligning its strategic plan with Jersey City.

Changing Court Attitudes on Bankruptcies

Recent court rulings could show more willingness to let people discharge student loans through bankruptcy, but advocates say need for legislation remains.

A New Path for Evergreen

Evergreen State, long known for experimental education and leftist politics, still has no majors but is providing students with "paths of study" to follow if they choose.

New Programs: Hospitality, Catholic Studies, Cybersecurity

Dixie State University is adding several short-term certificate programs in hospitality. Franciscan University of Steubenville is starting an M.A. in...

UT Austin Details Sexual Misconduct by Employees

The University of Texas at Austin on Thursday acknowledged the sexual misconduct of 17 of its 27,000 employees, including three...

Professor Loses Job Over Iran Joke

Babson College terminated a staff member and adjunct professor who wrote on Facebook that Iran should respond to President Trump’s...

'In Defense of Knowledge and Higher Education'

The American Association of University Professors on Thursday released a statement “ In Defense of Knowledge and Higher Education,” saying...

A Big Open-Access Deal for Germany

Publisher Springer Nature and Projekt DEAL -- a consortium of university and research libraries in Germany -- have signed a...