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College Pays Off, College Board Finds

The median annual earnings for bachelor's degree holders (with no advanced degree) who worked full-time in 2018 was $24,900 more...

OCR Is About to Rock Our Worlds

Brett A. Sokolow offers advice for how to respond to the new Title IX regulations that will be published soon.

Supports for First-Gen Students in Texas

A Texas nonprofit has created a report card to score the state's public institutions on how well they serve first-generation...

2019 Was a Pivotal Year for the Degree

The traditional university credential faces growing competition and criticism, but postsecondary institutions around the world are responding with new designs and delivery models, Jeff Maggioncalda writes.

Mothers as Heroes

Need to find a hero? Look to moms. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Richmond's Scott Allison explores four...

Hasty Departure for Head of Calif.'s New Online College

After less than a year on the job, Heather Hiles is stepping down as CEO of Calbright College, California's new online-only community college.

Teaching Me Too

Modern Language Association members discuss how to process the movement -- for themselves, their work and their students.

Liberal Arts Pay Off in the Long Run

A liberal arts education may not have the highest returns in the short run, but a study finds that after 40 years, liberal arts institutions bring a higher return than most colleges.