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Early Decision Is Down

And early action is flat, according to numbers from Naviance. Black and Latino applicants are less likely to apply early than are Asians and whites. Common App figures point to fears about this year's totals.

'The Dersh' Stands Alone

Alan Dershowitz's legal arguments against impeaching President Trump have thrust him even farther into academe's margins.

Non-Christians Need Not Apply?

Concern grows at Watkins College of Art about merger with Belmont.

The Week in Admissions News

Cal State delays math requirements; University of Texas help for Pell students; Iranian student denied entry to U.S.; Virginia fight over online education.

Ethical College Admissions: Recruit to Reject?

Harvard's strategies raise tough questions, writes Jim Jump.

Oregon Drops LSAT as Requirement for All

And political climate seen as contributing to national boom in law school applications.

Academic Minute: Positive Psychology

Today on the Academic Minute, Scott Glassman, clinical assistant professor in the department of counseling at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic...