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Complaints Falling on Deaf Ears?

Concordia College students are still angry about a white professor's use of a racial slur in a class several months ago. College administrators' seeming lack of response to the incident has not helped quell the outrage.

Mentoring At-Risk Students

Learning doesn’t always have to happen in the classroom. In today's Academic Minute, George Fox University's Kevin T. Jones discusses...

Putting Liberal Arts Programs on Ice

Faculty at Long Island University have raised concerns about a decision to freeze new enrollments in a number of liberal arts programs.

Coronavirus Forces Universities Online

Compelled to close their campuses to limit the spread of coronavirus, U.S. universities with Chinese branches move at lightning speed to take teaching online.

New Bells and Whistles for

The U.S. Department of Education’s website now has a number of new tools, including an aid summary that lets...

Saint Joseph's Approves Plan to Bring Back Classes

The Board of Trustees at Saint Joseph’s College, which ceased operations in 2017, has approved a comprehensive plan to bring...

University of St. Thomas Suspends M.B.A. Enrollment

The University of St. Thomas, a Roman Catholic university in Minnesota, has announced it will suspend enrollment into its full-time...

Texas Southern Reaches Deal with Ousted President

Texas Southern University has reached a separation agreement with the president it voted to fire at the beginning of February...