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Ethical College Admissions: Yogi Berra, Wile E. Coyote and Albion

The future of college admissions is worrisome on many fronts, writes Jim Jump.

Support for Free College, but What Kind?

Americans are more likely to support tuition-free college programs if there's no income cap and students have to graduate high...


Nature has given us a template for creating a powerful compound to fight a broad array of viruses. In today's...

Education Department Creates Coronavirus Task Force

Betsy DeVos, the U.S. secretary of education, announced Thursday that the Education Department is creating a task force to prepare...

Education Dept. Penalizes University of Southern California

An investigation by the federal agency's Office for Civil Rights found the university failed to protect students from a serial sexual predator employed as a gynecologist at the campus health center.

Demanding a Provost's Resignation

University of Oklahoma students want change -- in the form of a new provost -- following several racist incidents on campus.

Ultimate Villain of Varsity Blues? Selfish and Shortsighted Universities

The tendency of America's most famous universities to prioritize elegant campus life over learning has created the cutthroat culture at the core of the admissions scandal, Ryan Craig writes.

Report Challenges Value of Textbook Auto-Billing

Contracts between colleges and publishers allowing students to be automatically billed for course materials as part of their college fees...