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Academic Minute: Debt and Price as Predictors of Enrollment

Today on the Academic Minute, Rob K. Larson, associate professor of management at Luther College, explores how student debt is...

A New Definition of Depression

A new theory on depression could help those suffering today. In today's Academic Minute, James Madison University's Gregg Henriques examines...

What Students Want This Fall

Niche surveyed students on the "15 Fall Scenarios" blog post that attracted massive traffic. Here are the results.

How College Students Viewed This Spring's Remote Learning

A professor's in-depth survey of students before and after courses went virtual offers insights into how colleges can improve. The key elements: a thoughtful mix of flexibility and structure.

Community Colleges Likeliest to Stay Virtual

As most four-year colleges continue to announce intentions to reopen campuses in the fall, many community colleges have said they will remain (mostly) virtual.

Rebooting University Research for the Post-Pandemic Era

While the obstacles are substantial and still growing in many cases, now is the time to identify the issues and prepare for the decisions needed in the months ahead, write Peter Schiffer and Jay Walsh.

Evaluating the Transition to Remote Learning

Educause, a membership organization for higher ed IT professionals, has published a DIY survey kit to help institutions evaluate student...

Researchers in Florida Worry About Access to State Data

The architect and manager of Florida's COVID-19 data dashboard was removed from her post last week, and researchers at several...