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Racist Video Stirs Controversy at Floyd's Alma Mater

In a video posted to social media last week, a young man uses racial slurs and derogatory language to refer...

A Long Time Coming

A design university in Toronto set out to hire five full-time black faculty members -- the first ever in its Faculty of Design. It took more than 100 years.

Athletes Test Positive for COVID-19 at Iowa State and U of Houston

Athletes at Iowa State University and the University of Houston have tested positive for COVID-19. At Iowa State, at least...

Statues Knocked Down at University of Oregon

Protesters knocked down statues of Pioneer Man and Pioneer Mother at the University of Oregon on Saturday night. The statues...

RPI Fires Professor, Apparently Over Social Media Activity

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute apparently fired an engineering professor, Mohamed Aboul-Seoud, over his social media posts, The Albany Times Union reported...

A Place to Call Home – and to Study

Cerritos College has opened a 28-bed housing development for homeless students as part of an initiative to help them complete their studies and earn associate degrees.
Illustration of students at desks

Let's Get the College Board and ACT Out of Admissions

COVID-19 has changed the equation, writes Ryan Gildersleeve.

Endowment Values Dropped 13.4% on Average in Q1

A new survey shows that many colleges and universities experienced a loss in endowment values during the pandemic, with respondents...