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From the Ground Up

Scott McLemee reviews Reconstructing Democracy: How Citizens Are Building From the Ground Up by Charles Taylor, Patrizia Nanz and Madeleine Beaubien Taylor.

Parent Involved in Admissions Scheme Sentenced to Prison Time

Manuel Henriquez will receive jail time for paying more than $500,000 to participate in the college admissions scheme for his...

Is College Board Inappropriately Sharing Student Data?

The College Board has inappropriately shared information about students with technology companies, Consumer Reports has charged. The companies are Adobe...

Colleges Lease Hotel Rooms for Students

They hope to space out students’ living quarters and reduce the spread of COVID-19.


It’s hard following a diet, even if it’s for medical reasons. In today's Academic Minute, Northcentral University's Maria Antonia Rodriguez...

‘Going to the Mat’ Over Diversity Training

Political science professor at Converse College says he's facing termination for refusing to complete two diversity and antibias training modules.

Pandemic Workplace Protections Divide Congress

As some professors and other campus workers raise concerns about their safety as campuses reopen, Congress is divided over increasing federal workplace safety regulations during the pandemic.

COVID-19 Roundup: Counting the Campus Cases

New York Times identifies 6,300 COVID-19 cases linked to 270 colleges, including 14 deaths. Survey finds college staff members wanting more communication from their leaders. And more decisions about campus reopenings (or not).