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Tennessee Promise Boosted Community College Enrollments

The Tennessee Promise, a statewide, last-dollar free tuition scholarship for community college students the state began in 2015, increased first-time...

‘The Low-Density University’

Authors discuss expansion of their "15 Fall Scenarios" blog post to an ebook.

COVID-19 Cluster Affects 10% of Kansas College's Students

Nearly 10 percent of the first roughly 500 students and employees tested for COVID-19 at Bethel College, in Kansas, have...

UIUC Hit Ill-Timed Snafu in Renewing Pandemic Insurance

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign made headlines for taking out insurance in 2017 to protect against losses in Chinese...

Justice Department v. Yale

Federal agency says the university's admissions policies discriminate against Asian and white applicants.

Interprofessional Collaboration for Health Professions Students

Health-care workers can be exposed to many different things during their work. In today's Academic Minute, part of University of...

A Tough Year for Community Colleges

Despite earlier predictions that this might be their year, many are expecting enrollment declines -- some of them devastating. Impact is greatest on minority and low-income students.

COVID-19: Boom or Bust for For-Profits?

Some for-profit colleges reported increased profitability and modest enrollment gains as the economy crashed in the second quarter, but it's still not clear whether the current pandemic and recession will turn around the fortunes of a sector that had been struggling.