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Faculty Confidence in Online Learning Grows

Survey finds significant increases in professors' confidence in virtual learning and their sense of support from their colleges -- but continuing concerns about equity for underrepresented students.

Sacred Heart Drops Out of Multi-Institution Acquisition Plan

Enrollment and financial projections for part of the deal came in lower than expected, university's president said.

Unmasking a Troll

University of New Hampshire suspends professor amid investigation into whether he trolled people online, pretending to be “The Science Femme, Woman in STEM.”

SUNY Expands Mental Health Services

The State University of New York announced that the system has increased its array of mental health services by expanding...

Warren Calls for Owners of For-Profits to Be Held Financially Responsible

The advocacy group Student Defense and Democratic senator Elizabeth Warren called on the Education Department on Monday to make the...

Pause on Making Loan Payments Has Improved Credit

The pause on making student loan payments passed by Congress and extended through the end of the year has thus...

Study: Black Borrowers More Likely to Never Be Able to Repay Student Debt

Black student loan borrowers are twice as likely as white borrowers to be projected to never be able to pay...

Academic Minute: Climate and Conflicts

Today on the Academic Minute, part of a celebration of the production's 10-year anniversary: In this segment from 2011, Kyle...