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Survey: Athletes Feel Obligated to Pursue Social Justice

Nearly all college athletes, coaches and other athletics staff members believe racism is a “concerning issue” in the United States...

Pell Recipient Enrollment Down at Privates, Survey Says

Fewer Pell Grant recipients enrolled in private nonprofit colleges this fall. The National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities surveyed...

Brief: Community College District Lines Cost Michigan Students

District boundaries for Michigan's community colleges could be exacerbating student access and funding inequities, according to a new issue brief...

Academic Minute: Contemporary Art Reactions

Today on the Academic Minute, where we’re celebrating a decade of the program this week with one segment from each...

‘Lean Semesters’

Author discusses her new book about how higher education “reproduces inequity” for Black women.

3 Ways to Support Black Students This Fall

Shaylen Hardy offers strategies for colleges to help those students cope with trauma and the other burgeoning mental health challenges on their campuses.

Ep. 21: Affordability and Access During the Pandemic

Sue Ellspermann is president of Ivy Tech Community College, Indiana's statewide two-year system. She spoke about how Ivy Tech used...

Improving the Lives of People With Dementia

We’re celebrating a decade of the Academic Minute this week with one segment from each year. In this segment from...