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Evaluating Exit Plans

Thanksgiving is fast approaching. Many colleges still have no plans to test students before they leave.

Pandemic in Print

Scott McLemee highlights the considerable number of current and forthcoming books flagged as pertinent to COVID-19 and its impact, or to pandemics more broadly.

Russian Politics and Ph.D. Plagiarism

Study finds that half of the regional governors with Ph.D.s plagiarized them.

Stanford Nixes Diversity Order Compliance Checklist

Stanford University walked back controversial guidance on diversity training this week, following criticism from some students and faculty members that...

Michigan Settles for $9M in Provost Harassment Case

The University of Michigan will pay $9.25 million to eight women whom Martin Philbert, a former provost, harassed during his...

Colleges Want Biden to Undo Much of What DeVos Did

Associations representing the nation’s colleges and universities are urging the incoming Biden administration to quickly undo much of what the...

CDC Urges Precautions for College Students Over Thanksgiving

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday recommended against travel for the Thanksgiving holiday and said college students...