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Essay on Dr. Jill Biden Prompts Uproar

An essay published last week in The Wall Street Journal is prompting considerable criticism in academic circles. The essay's views...

Who Are Chief Enrollment Management Officers?

AACRAO survey, first on the subject since 2017, provides some answers.

Athletes at Black Colleges Sue Over NCAA Rules

Athletes at historically Black colleges have filed a class action lawsuit against the National Collegiate Athletic Association over its rules...
Illustration of students at desks

The Decline of Testing Affects More Than Testing

From efforts to recruit students to rankings, the impact is immense, write Bill Conley and Bob Massa.

College Sports Has Had at Least 6,629 COVID-19 Cases

College sports has had at least 6,629 cases of COVID-19, according to an analysis by The New York Times. The...

Potential Education Secretary Nominee Attacked by Antiunion Group

It’s unknown if President-elect Joe Biden will select former National Education Association president Lily Eskelsen García as the nation’s next...

Students Wait for More Aid

Colleges say they have long ago spent all the CARES Act money to aid struggling students and they need more help now.