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Faculty Panel Recommends Reinstating Professor Fired Over N-Word

A faculty grievance committee at Duquesne University, in Pittsburgh, is calling for the reinstatement of an education professor who was...

Learning to Listen in Polarized Times

The time students spend on our campuses may be their best and last opportunity to learn how to have conversations across racial, cultural and ideological differences, writes Ronald A. Crutcher.

New Research Alliance Spotlights Regional Public Colleges

Regional state institutions are critical to rural community health, education and economies, says a report by a new research alliance focused on the underexamined sector.

After the Pell Ban

Congress recently lifted the ban on Pell Grant eligibility for people in prison. Advocates say their work isn’t over.

Free Speech Fundamentalism

Faculty members who have been especially focused on defending their freedom of speech need to be paying more attention to the quality of it, writes Judith Shapiro.

More Colleges Remove Offensive Names, Symbols

Two Southern colleges announced Tuesday that they have removed symbols of racism from their campuses after facing pressure from students...

Wrestling Well

A president describes what she learned while teaching a new course at her university amid a pandemic.