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Not Going Quietly

These four professors aren't giving up their tenured positions at Canisius College without a fight -- in court.

High-Quality Online Learning: A Compilation

Inside Higher Ed today published " Building High-Quality Online Learning," a new compilation of articles and essays. You may download...

After Arrests of Black Students at Keene State, Faculty Demand Action

Nearly 60 faculty members have signed on to a letter asking Keene State College administration for a public apology and...

Men, Madness and Marriage in 19th-Century France

Divorce is not pleasant, but can be beneficial. In today's Academic Minute, part of University of Redlands Week, Jessie Hewitt...

The Battle to Test International Students

ETS, losing market share to Duolingo, unveils a new TOEFL that costs students half what the current test costs. But ETS will also keep the current TOEFL, calling it the "gold standard."

Top Higher Education Post

James Kvaal, a key player in the Obama administration's policies, who has called for tougher scrutiny of for-profit institutions, has been nominated to be the Biden administration's education under secretary.

Pandemic-Era Priorities

The University of Oregon's student government voted to end financial contributions, by way of student fees, to the athletics department. They want the money used instead to help students who are struggling financially.

Academic Minute: Men, Madness and Marriage

Today on the Academic Minute, part of University of Redlands Week: Jessie Hewitt, assistant professor of history, looks into madness...