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Youth in Foster Care and Higher Ed Aspirations

Students from foster homes face a harder road to college. In today's Academic Minute, part of University of West Georgia...

Gun Policy: Individualism vs. Communitarian Values

Rugged individualism has had a large influence over gun laws in the U.S. In today's Academic Minute, part of University...

Becker College Will Close

The Massachusetts college will wind down operations in August, giving students the choice to transfer elsewhere. Nearby Clark University will take on Becker's acclaimed video-game design program.

Professional Accountability or Shameless Pandering?

Repercussions and recriminations continue over an apology for a conference speech given by financial guru Suze Orman. Some say the apology was unwarranted and misguided; others believe it was absolutely necessary.

Loan Relief for Borrowers With Disabilities

Student loan borrowers with disabilities will have an easier time getting relief during the pandemic, the Education Department announces. About 41,000 people with $1.3 billion in debt will now be back on track for loan discharges.

Records Request Accidentally Turns Up Retrenchment Plan

Oops. Salem State University in Massachusetts accidentally released a detailed faculty retrenchment plan as part of a faculty member’s larger...

Psychiatrist Says Yale Dumped Her Over Alan Dershowitz and Trump

Bandy X. Lee, a former faculty member in psychiatry at Yale University, says she lost her job because she commented...

Achieving the Endless Frontier

It is time for America to reinvest in science and recommit to the partnership between the federal government, universities and private industry, writes Austin DeMarco.