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Letting Employers Off the Hook

Rather than expanding opportunities, opening up Pell Grants to short-term job training could put workers at greater risk, argue Daniel Bustillo and Amy Laitinen.

An Infrastructure for Our Nation’s Talent

Allowing learners to use the Pell Grant for short-term programs could build a different kind of bridge -- one that links training, education and employment, argue Jamie Merisotis and Julie Peller.

Sororities Delay Vote on Inclusion of Nonbinary Members

Leaders of national sororities delayed a vote last week on whether to allow their organizations to change their definitions of...

Unwanted Changes, Uncertain Futures

The University of Missouri is restructuring the leadership of diversity, equity and inclusion centers on campus that are crucial support systems for students of color, LGBTQ students and other underrepresented groups.

McCann to Office of the Under Secretary

Clare McCann, former deputy director for federal higher education policy at New America, is returning to the U.S. Department of...

Students Seek Tangible Changes in Face of Anti-Asian Hate

Asian and Asian American student activists across the country want to bring about changes to curricula and campus life.

Academic Minute: Charting a Path for Weight Loss

Today on the Academic Minute, part of Kent State University’s Brain Health Research Institute Week: Colleen Novak, professor of biological...