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Building Storytellers

There is always a place for stories in academe. In today's Academic Minute, part of University of Houston-Clear Lake Week...

The Case for Writing Plainly

New study says scholarly articles that are hard to read don't actually make the author sound smarter, and they get cited less. Authors hope their findings will encourage graduate programs to teach students how to write clearly.

Judson College Will Close

The Baptist women’s college had only 12 new students committed to attend in the fall.

Protecting or Restricting Students?

A Boston College student organization is accusing administrators of using public gathering policies to restrict their free speech and prevent them from criticizing the institution.

Two-Year Institutions, Four-Year Degrees

Community colleges in Arizona can now offer four-year programs, providing more affordable and streamlined pathways to bachelor's degrees.

Human Conditions, Early and Otherwise

Scott McLemee reviews fall 2021 books on human origins and development.

Europe Struggles to Build Common Area for Science

Norway spends 1 percent of GDP on research, but Poland just 0.16 percent.

Oregon Lawmakers Propose Committee to Review Campus Misconduct

State lawmakers in Oregon proposed creating a legislative committee to review how public colleges and universities handle complaints of sexual...