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Academic Integrity, or Insubordination?

Truckee Meadows Community College seeks to terminate a tenured professor of math for being repeatedly uncooperative, but the professor says he was standing up for math standards.

NEH Awards Emergency Relief Grants to 90 Institutions

The National Endowment for the Humanities announced Monday that it has awarded $87.8 million in grant funding to 300 cultural...

3 Share Nobel Prize in Physics

Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann and Giorgio Parisi will share the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics “for groundbreaking contributions to our...

Low Cost, High Impact for Pell Grant Recipients

Congress has the opportunity to end the taxability of Pell Grants for lower-income students. But the provision -- like most other parts of the Build Back Better Act -- is in jeopardy.

New Presidents or Provosts: Antioch College, Blackburn College, Capital U, Methodist College, Northern Essex CC, RMIT U, Staffordshire U, Tuskegee U, Washington College

Paul Beaudin, vice president for academic affairs and interim vice president for student affairs at Suffolk County Community College, in...

Florida Community College Wins Targeted Federal Grant

Broward College in Florida has received the first Promise Neighborhoods grant ever awarded to a community college from the U.S...

A Natural Experiment

Both the use of COVID-19 stimulus funding to pay back outstanding student debt balances and federal relief proposals have the same major flaw: they are one-time options, writes Catharine B. Hill.

SUNY Reports 98% Compliance With COVID Vaccine Policy

The State University of New York says about 98 percent of students have complied with its COVID-19 vaccine policy across...