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New Programs: Nursing, Advertising, Integrative Pediatrics, Safety and Health

Elmhurst University is starting a doctor of nursing practice program. Kean University is starting a B.F.A. in advertising. Logan University...

Students Who Take Political Science More Likely to Vote

Community college students who took a political science class were more likely to register to vote, to cast their ballots...

3-Year Medical Degrees May Provide Good Alternative

Many in medical education advocate for three-year medical degrees as a much-needed reform. A new study of such programs by...

Report: Liberty Discourages Students From Reporting Sex Assaults

An investigation by ProPublica has found that Liberty University routinely “discourages and dismisses students’ reports of sexual assaults.” The article...

Weekly Wisdom | Everett Community College President Daria Willis

Enjoy this inspiring conversation with Everett Community College President Daria Willis, Bridget Burns from University Innovation Alliance and Doug Lederman...

Amherst Eliminates Legacy Preferences

The college will also boost its financial aid awards to leave “no doubt that a world-class education is within reach for students from all income groups.”

New Law Threatens International Recruiting Model

A ban on incentive-based recruitment could have big implications for how colleges recruit international students.

UNC Wins Affirmative Action Case, for Now

Federal judge backs university’s consideration of race in admissions. But appeals are expected, and the Supreme Court has yet to decide whether it will hear the Harvard case.