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Helping Community Colleges Fill Workforce Gaps

Short-term Pell Grants and funding for career and technical education infrastructure could go a long way in helping community colleges address the workforce needs of small businesses in their communities, leaders say.

Japan to Welcome Back International Students

Students and technical interns make up 70 percent of the 370,000 foreigners waiting for the border to reopen.

Gamblers Still Can’t Bet on College Sports in N.J.

New Jersey voters rejected a ballot question on Nov. 2 that would have allowed betting on local college teams and...

Rethinking EdTech: The New Standards of Online Education | Available On-Demand

According to a recent survey, many students have begun to question the underlying value of a degree, with more than...

Ep. 60: COVID’s Impact on the Return to Campus

Despite our expectations and hopes, here we are in another COVID fall. This week’s episode of The Key examines how...

Art and Science Collaboration With Oysters

When art and science meet, good things can happen. In today's Academic Minute, Florida State University's Carolyn Henne discusses one...

Victim, or Astronomy’s Icarus?

Astronomer withdraws paper and puts book sales on hold amid controversy. Some say he’s a casualty in the culture wars; others say he burned himself.

New Programs: Data Analytics, Management and Risk, Health Care and Spanish, Mental Health, Nursing

Bowie State University is starting a certificate program in data analytics. North Carolina State University has started a master’s degree...