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A New Symbol for Carleton College? Really?

The new president of Carleton College made an interesting announcement Thursday: “We are adopting a bold new design to represent...

Howard’s $785M Investment Far Surpasses Other HBCUs

Most historically Black colleges and universities can’t fix existing facilities, let alone build new ones. In a perennially underfunded sector, Howard University’s $785 million for construction stands out.

An Alternative Approach to First Responders: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute, part of Portland State University Week: Greg Townley, associate professor of community psychology, says sending...

Professor Sues U of Florida Over COVID-19

A professor is suing the University of Florida in federal court for suppressing his free speech rights, The Gainesville Sun...

Bristling at Budget-Busting Buyouts

Questionable spending on contract buyouts for fired coaches at the University of South Carolina has state lawmakers demanding answers. It’s a familiar story at colleges across the country.

Protecting Coastal Ecosystems in Transition

The changing atmosphere is putting stresses on ecosystems. In today’s Academic Minute, part of Portland State University Week, Elise Granek...

New President Moves Past Old Mistake

Gregory Vincent resigned his presidency at Hobart and William Smith Colleges after he was accused of plagiarism. He rectified the error, which experts say bodes well for his new job at Talladega College.

Passed Over for Being a Woman

Twenty-eight percent of academic women surveyed by Gallup say they’ve been passed over for promotion or advancement opportunities due to their gender. That’s a bigger share than female workers in the U.S. in general.