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Academics In Charge at B-Schools

Study shows that top business schools favor scholars when hiring deans.

Prom Party Crashes Law Study

Dean of Baylor Law School apologizes for letting son hold catered dinner at its library during exam period.

72 (12 Women) Join Ranks of Premier Science Group

National Academy of Sciences elects new members; number of female scientists at several-year low.

Next Big Thing for Community Colleges?

Officials want to upgrade "2+2" vocational programs to more sophisticated collaborations between secondary and postsecondary ed.

Making the Case for Tenure

Independent review offers upbeat assessment of U. of Colorado's practices and says public misunderstands tenure's value.

Giving In at George Washington U.

After professor threatens to sue official, university says it will take stronger steps to deter smoking outside buildings.

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Professor urges women in academe to stop “underselling themselves.”