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UNC Frat Brothers and Antisemitism Lawsuit Plaintiff Speak at RNC

The Republican National Convention honored a group of fraternity members from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on...
Group of students studying together in the classroom

Report: Predictive Models May Have Bias Against Black and Hispanic Learners

A recent study from the American Educational Research Association’s journal finds predictive models can perpetuate social disparities and assume worse outcomes of some racial and ethnic groups.

Donald Trump stands at a podium in front of a blue backdrop that reads "White House Initiative for Historically Black Colleges and Universities"

Did Trump Get HBCUs ‘All Funded’?

Advocates and leaders of historically Black colleges say Trump’s presidency was a mixed bag for their institutions—and his record may signal what’s ahead for them if he wins again.

First meeting of Wisconsin study committee on future of UW system

Wisconsin Experts Convene to Address System Enrollment Woes

A legislative study committee will determine whether more closures and consolidations are necessary. Opinions varied widely at the first meeting.

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona stands next to President Joe Biden in the Roosevelt Room of the White House

Biden’s SAVE Plan Blocked by Federal Court

An emergency stay issued Thursday prompted calls for the Education Department to pause student loan payments for borrowers. The agency says it is assessing its options following the ruling.

The book cover for "The Academic Trumpists: Radicals Against Liberal Diversity," authored by David L. Swartz, with Nicholas Rodelo.

The Academic Trumpists, Part 1

Scott McLemee reviews David L. Swartz’s study of the academics who support Donald Trump.

Kansas Chemist Gets Final Acquittal in China Ties Case

Five years after arrest in Trump administration crackdown, Chinese-born Franklin Feng Tao gets vindication—and wants his job back

Study: Women, People of Color Underrepresented in Top Jobs

Women and people of color are underrepresented in higher education’s best-paying jobs, a new study from the College and University...