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Geographer Maps Origins of ‘Publish or Perish’

The phrase “publish or perish” is the dictum of modern academic survival. It sums up what many researchers at universities...
A blonde woman holds a customized Alabama license plate for Troy University with the vanity tag “leader” in all caps

Funding Student Success: License Plate Purchases Help Students Study Abroad

Students, alumni and supporters of Troy University can purchase special branded license plates to display their school spirit and fund student success experiences for learners.

Ep. 116: Provosts’ Perspectives on Generative AI, Tenure and Academic Program Cuts

A new episode examines chief academic officers’ views on a range of pressing issues.


How and When Might the Great AI Job Replacement Take Place?

While there are isolated examples of wholesale layoffs among a few individual companies, the broad scale loss of jobs has not yet materialized.

GovernorJared Polis signing Colorado’s state budget

Colorado to Cover Two Years’ Tuition at Any Public College

The tax-credit–based aid program provides a last-dollar reimbursement to cover up to 65 credits for any student with a household income of $90,000 or less.

Two New York Police Department officers arresting a female protester, her face anguished.

Out of Crisis Comes Opportunity

Colleges should strongly consider commissioning external reviews of their responses to campus protests, Timothy J. Heaphy writes.

Judge Says LSU Shreveport Broke Open Meetings Law

A judge has ruled that Louisiana State University at Shreveport violated the state’s open meetings law in a faculty member’s...

More Project-Based Learning Is Better: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute, part of Worcester Polytechnic Institute’s Benefits of Project-Based Learning Week: Kimberly LeChasseur, senior research and...