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A college student stands in a poorly lit room with hood on her head and hand over her face, looking embarrassed.

Changing the Needs Conversation: Taking the Shame out of Getting Something to Eat

Students with food insecurity often feel shame in seeking assistance, but taking three actions can help reduce and remove this feeling for students, write Jennifer A. King and Michelle Lambert of Kent State University.

Ep. 116: Provosts’ Perspectives on Generative AI, Tenure and Academic Program Cuts

A new episode examines chief academic officers’ views on a range of pressing issues.


How and When Might the Great AI Job Replacement Take Place?

While there are isolated examples of wholesale layoffs among a few individual companies, the broad scale loss of jobs has not yet materialized.

More Project-Based Learning Is Better: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute, part of Worcester Polytechnic Institute’s Benefits of Project-Based Learning Week: Kimberly LeChasseur, senior research and...
“Holding It Together” book cover with black and red text, paired with a Zoom screenshot of author Jessica Calarco.

‘Holding it Together’ 

Sociologist Jessica Calarco talks about her new book on America’s lack of a real social safety net and the implications for student success.

UC San Diego, Santa Barbara Join Strike Backing Protesters

The University of California work stoppage supporting pro-Palestinian protesters has now grown to include five campuses, with academic workers at...

University of the Arts Cancels Town Hall to Discuss Sudden Closure

University of the Arts, the Philadelphia institution that announced its sudden closure late Friday, on Monday canceled a planned virtual...
Young man focusing on his phone while other students pass by

Limited Data on Effectiveness of Online Mental Health Offerings for College Students

A new study evaluates nine common digital mental health interventions to gauge their effectiveness in supporting students—and finds that, across the field, there is little significant research on interventions in general or on specific tools.