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Virginia Supreme Court Rejects Challenges to College Admitting Men

Cases are among several being used by some alumni leaders to fight decisions by their alma maters.

Extension Goes National -- and Online

Land grant universities try to reach more people by moving beyond the county and state model that has defined them for decades.

A University in Milan Shops for Professors Elsewhere

Many European nations worry about losing talent to the United States – and so try to raid American campuses in turn.

Calling on Consulates, Just $2.50 a Minute

While U.S. says it worries about attracting foreign students, it angers many by charging those who call seeking information and interviews.

When Job Training Benefits Run Dry

Limits of federal program that sends many to community colleges forces institutions to find new money to extend support.

Age, Experience and Bias

When a tenure-track slot opened up, San Francisco State passed over experienced instructor with a Ph.D. (aged 61) for a non-Ph.D. (aged 31). EEOC sees bias -- and sues.