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Stuck on Student Learning

As Measuring Up 2008 prepares to grade higher education progress on a variety of fronts, most states' efforts to gauge academic outcomes have stalled, writes Peter Ewell.

Assessing a Hot Assessment Tool

Largest study yet of Collegiate Learning Assessment suggests it can measure learning, but also finds gaps based on demographics and what students study.

More U.S. Help for Student Loan Providers

Education Dept. plans to replicate existing programs to ease flow of funds to students and colleges, and add a third to try to ease choked credit markets.

Down 36 Students, College Will Lose 40 Jobs

Beloit's cuts illustrate how -- in the current economic environment -- a seemingly small enrollment decline can have major consequences.

Defining and Debating 'Double Dipping'

JACKSONVILLE, FLA. -- From virtually every angle, professors are under pressure to be more productive. Pressure to publish, to earn...

International Student Growth Still Slowing

Survey of graduate schools finds that international student population is still increasing, but not as rapidly.

New Push on Producing Science and Math Teachers

Almost 80 public universities commit to working within their states to boost the number of K-12 educators in critical subject areas.