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Return of Grad Union Movement

Obama designates as NLRB chair a member who backs collective bargaining at private universities -- and that could be key step in reviving campaigns that have been stagnant since 2004.

No Sweat

Unique college apparel deal may provide model for vastly improved pay and working conditions for those who produce these goods.

The Senate Weighs In

Spending panel proposes $1 billion increase for NIH but would keep maximum Pell Grant at $4,050.

Not an Isolated Incident After All

Texas Monthly uncovers evidence to suggest that Southern Methodist University's response to a student death downplayed the extent of drug use at the institution.

Whither Accreditation?

As accreditation council convenes agency officials and college leaders, they contemplate changes big and small -- including possibility of Congressional charter to recalibrate balance between federal and institutional roles.

Blackboard, 9.0

Updated course management software offers increased flexibility and opportunities for social learning, company says.