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MIT 'Suspended' Russian Oligarch From Board

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology removed a Russian billionaire from its Board of Trustees after the Treasury Department imposed sanctions...

Cold Spring Harbor Strips Honors From James Watson

His comments on race and intelligence have infuriated many.

Picturing Science and Engineering

Learning how to make technically accurate, interesting and honest images and graphics of science should be part of every scientist’s education, argues Felice C. Frankel.

A Wetter Arctic

As the arctic warms, we can look to the past for clues to our future. In today's Academic Minute, the...

Chancellor Pay for Life?

Lawsuit over whether retired president is owed hundreds of thousands of dollars per year plus perks -- including an apartment -- sheds light on the issue of executive compensation.

Editorial Mutiny at Elsevier Journal

Following in the footsteps of linguistics journal Lingua, the editorial board of the Elsevier-owned Journal of Informetrics has resigned and launched a rival journal that will be free for all to read.

Does Admissions Testing Ignore Due Process?

Lawsuit against ACT says students are subject to a catch-22 in which they must give up their rights to demonstrate that they haven't cheated. Litigation comes amid similar challenge to the SAT.