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Virginia Tech Will Pay Some New Students to Delay

Virginia Tech is expecting hundreds of extra freshmen to enroll this fall, so the university is offering many of them...

Forensic Misconduct

Forensic science still has a fallibility -- people. In today's Academic Minute, Montclair State University's Jessica Henry explores what can...

Blowback for Huawei Bans

Researchers want less restrictive policies on accepting money from the Chinese telecom giant -- but that appears unlikely, given recent federal policy moves and legal action against the company. Professors also question why they aren't involved in making decisions on bans.

Curriculum Sharing Without Limits

Two Canadian colleges agree to share academic programs with each other at no charge -- to save their government money and speed their ability to offer new offerings to students.

All Fall

Scott McLemee offers a roundup of books from this coming autumn's university press catalogs and more.

‘The College Completion Glass -- Half-Full or Half-Empty?’

Author discusses new book about flaws in the way many people evaluate college completion.

International Student Well-Being

Research suggests that international students are less likely than domestic students to seek mental health treatment -- or even be aware of the availability of services. Speakers at international education conference discuss the barriers and what advisers can do.

Ex-Athlete Admits Threatening to Kill Athletes

A former Babson College soccer player faces federal criminal charges for sending death threats to college and professional athletes. Addison...