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The Pulse: Thomas Waite of K16 Solutions

This month's edition of the Pulse podcast features an interview with Thomas Waite, CEO of K16 Solutions.

‘Safe Enough Spaces’

Author discusses new book on inclusion, free speech and political correctness on campus.

The End of Note Taking?

Digital transcribing tools just might free students up to do more beneficial things with their time in class, write Perry Samson and Fred Singer.

Court Orders Recognition of Pro-Palestinian Student Group

Judge overturns Fordham University's decision to deny recognition to Students for Justice in Palestine chapter due to concerns about its political agenda and the potential for polarization.

Baylor Student Activists Appeal to NCAA

LGBTQ advocates want the association to intervene and help break what they call a long-standing pattern of discrimination at one of the nation's most prominent religious institutions.

The Weaponization of Academic Citation

Freshman composition programs have done that, and we need to stop it right now, argues Jennie Young.

Following Campus Deaths, New Syllabus Requirements at Utah

All course syllabi at the University of Utah will be required to include a safety message on how to report...

Dartmouth Settles Title IX Class Action Case for $14M

Dartmouth College settled with nine former and current students who sued it, alleging violations of Title IX of the Education...