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From the Mouths of Editors

New study from international publishing ethics group finds that arts, humanities and social science journal editors worry most about plagiarism and inclusion.

Chatting with Chatbots

Chatbots have started to infiltrate every corner of higher ed -- from admissions to student affairs, career services and even test prep. Is that a good thing?

Study Minimizes Impact of Free Community College

New research says reduced tuition at four-year colleges and more funding for all public institutions would do more to raise bachelor's degree attainment.

U.K. Universities Minister Steps Down

Jo Johnson, the younger brother of U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, resigned from his posts as science and universities minister...

Jesuit University Won't Host Annual Drag Show

John Carroll University, in Ohio, will not be hosting its popular yet controversial annual drag show this year. University administrators...

Bennet Supports Debt-Free College in Education Plan

Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet, one of 20 Democrats seeking the party's presidential nomination, backed free community college and debt-free four-year...

Academic Minute: CBD

Today on the Academic Minute: Jenny Wilkerson, research assistant professor in the department of pharmacodynamics at the University of Florida...

Fear and Confusion Among Immigrant Students

A new federal rule that will closely scrutinize immigrants' use of public assistance programs has college students in California worried and considering withdrawing from financial aid programs.