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Top Universities Release Sexual Assault Reports

Nearly all of the universities that participated in a 2019 campus climate survey published their individual results and will be addressing specific problems or challenges identified.

In the Dark on Digital Learning

College IT officials don't believe campus leaders are particularly informed or engaged in digital learning, new survey results suggest.

Swastikas Found on University of Illinois Campus

Over the past week, four hand-drawn swastikas have been found on the campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign...

Academic Minute: Life Through the Facebook Prism

Today on the Academic Minute, Lee Farquhar, associate professor of entertainment media and journalism at Butler University, explores why social...

Portland State Gets Federal Grant for SNAP Training

Portland State University in Oregon will be the first four-year institution in the country to receive a Training and Education...

Grad Student Charged With Molesting High Schoolers

A master’s student at the University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate School of Education was charged with criminal sexual contact for allegedly...

We Must Contemporize the Liberal Arts

It’s not enough to passively continue with the same curriculum and hope that students, their families, politicians and the public at large re-recognize the value in what we do, argues Laura L. Behling.

Public Support for Making Loan Repayment Easier

Newly released results from a national survey found that 80 percent of Americans think the government should make it easier...