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Brown Will Aim to Double Veterans Enrolled by 2024

Brown University on Monday announced a plan to double the number of veterans enrolled (to 42) by 2024. The university...

Study: Gainful Employment Associated With Closures

For-profit college programs that passed gainful-employment metrics were associated with a lower likelihood of closing, according to a working paper...

Tuition Revenue Growth Expected to Slow

Growth in net tuition revenue is expected to slow in the 2020 fiscal year for both public and private universities...

Higher Education Needs More Affirmative Action, Not Less

The lesson of the recent case at Harvard University is that colleges and universities must do more to fully recognize their students as whole people, writes Margaret M. Chin.

Rift Over State Reciprocity Rules

New federal rules on distance education highlight long-standing tensions between consumer advocates seeking stronger state-level protections for students and higher education groups seeking shared national standards.

A Truce in the Laptop Wars

The area between the trenches isn’t no-man’s land, argues Zachary Nowak. We can learn to meet in the middle.

On Increasing Gender Diversity in STEM

Twenty-three scientists who met last year in Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y., to discuss a major report on sexual harassment in...