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Thrill-Seeking Behavior

What makes someone seek a risky lifestyle? In today's Academic Minute, part of Oxford College of Emory University Week, Kenneth...

Completion Rates Rising, Slowly

The latest report from the National Student Clearinghouse finds completion rates still rising across all sectors in higher education, but with a slowing pace.

When Actions Speak Louder Than Lobbying

Rather than advocating to remove an endowment tax, colleges should demonstrate a stronger commitment to serving the public good, Catharine Bond Hill argues.

More Support for Harvard Ethnic Studies Scholar Denied Tenure

More than 200 senior scholars in Latinx and Latin American studies, ethnic studies, women’s and gender studies, and other fields wrote a letter Monday to Harvard University president Lawrence Bacow in support of a professor who was recently denied tenure.

UC Santa Cruz Grad Assistants Strike for COLA

Graduate students at the University of California, Santa Cruz, called a grade strike this week, seeking a $1,412-a-month cost of...

A Fake University

International students say they were recruited by the University of Farmington -- set up by the U.S. government as part of a sting operation focused on student visa fraud -- after their institutions lost accreditation. Some blame the government for setting the students up.

New Programs: Cloud Computing, Counseling, Special Education, Defense Engineering, Early Childhood Education

Delgado Community College is starting an associate of applied science in cloud computing. Indiana University at Bloomington is starting a...

When Less Is More in the Classroom

Elizabeth Stice describes how she took a gamble and assigned only one book for the entire semester.