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China Recruitment Disrupted

Survey looks at effect of new coronavirus on Chinese student recruitment and student travel to and from China.

Childhood Trauma and Late-Life Cognitive Functioning

The early death of a parent can have long-lasting effects on a person. In today's Academic Minute, Siena College's Rong...

President Issues an Unusual Warning

Dillard University president warns potential candidates not to apply to lead Texas Southern University, saying TSU board “should be left with a pool that’s so bad, they realize they have to change.”

When Is a Learning Community Not a Learning Community?

A leading educator asserts that some colleges use the “high-impact” educational practices in name only -- and a group of learning community advocates largely agrees. What's their plan?

Fashion Sense and Sensibility

A controversial fashion show at the Fashion Institute of Technology that some considered racist set off a discussion about balancing creativity and sensitivity in students' work.

Groups Urge Debt Forgiveness for Disabled Borrowers

A coalition of more than 30 higher education, consumer and veterans' groups on Tuesday called on U.S. Secretary of Education...

Ensuring Instructional Continuity in a Potential Pandemic

Could your campus continue to educate its students if a health crisis forced you to shut down for weeks? Shawn M. Krahmer, Ginette McManus and Rajneesh Sharma explain the steps they've taken.

Separate but Equal at the MLA?

The Modern Language Association planned separate panels for scholars of color and their white colleagues.