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Out on the Balcony: Thinking Beyond the Crisis

COVID-19 has the potential to transform our institutions for the better, and this is the time to be thinking of the possibilities, writes Scott Cowen.

Expand Continuing Education Programs with Centralized Event Technology | Tuesday, March 31 at 2:00 pm ET

On this webcast, professionals across continuing education and extension education programs will share their perspectives on the role event technology...

Public Hospitals and U.S. Health Care

Public hospitals used to be a safety net for health care. In today's Academic Minute, Pennsylvania State University's Simon Haeder...

A Checklist for Colleges That Must Close

Regulating bodies must pay closer attention to college and university financial health, a new report from a liberal think tank finds.

A Double Whammy for Student Parents

Vulnerable students are being hit hard by the changes brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. Student parents are affected two times over, as both they and their children scramble to start learning online.

The Big Transition

The University of Washington was one of the first U.S. institutions to move online amid the pandemic. Here's how faculty say the transition is going.

Academic Minute: Public Hospitals and U.S. Health Care

Today on the Academic Minute, Simon Haeder, assistant professor of public policy at Pennsylvania State University, details why public hospitals...

Newberry College Continues Program Freezing New Students' Tuition

Newberry College in South Carolina is renewing a program that freezes tuition for incoming freshmen for the four years they’re...