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Survey: Library Employees at Community Colleges Less Likely to Work Remotely

Primary Research Group Inc. has published data from a survey of 70 academic library directors and deans at U.S. institutions...

Ivy League Won’t Extend Eligibility

The Ivy League announced yesterday that it will not give an extra year of eligibility to athletes who play spring...

Shareholders and Stakeholders

Businesses that shift focus from transactions to relationships with stakeholders could be better off. In today's Academic Minute, the University...

‘Zoombies’ Take Over Online Classrooms

Digital disruptors sharing racist, sexist and pornographic content in Zoom videoconferences show no sign of slowing down as “Zoombombing” trend grows.

As Times and Students Change, Can Faculty Change, Too?

As demographics shift, the experiences of more and more students resemble those of faculty members less and less. How can faculty adapt to ensure these students succeed in a suddenly changing world, and how can institutions help?

Universities Form Global Network on Climate Change

Even with COVID-19 present worldwide, they see need.

Coronavirus News Roundup for April 3

Everything you need to know about higher ed and the coronavirus for Friday and the weekend in one easy-to-read package.

A Forced Homecoming

When the State Department made the unprecedented decision to suspend Fulbright grants worldwide last month, many grantees found themselves back in the U.S. without jobs, housing or health insurance.