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Rebooting University Research for the Post-Pandemic Era

While the obstacles are substantial and still growing in many cases, now is the time to identify the issues and prepare for the decisions needed in the months ahead, write Peter Schiffer and Jay Walsh.

The Switch Semester

Several universities have said they will open for in-person instruction this fall but will end on-campus instruction by Thanksgiving. Can that plan work?

College Leaders: Don't Waste This Crisis, for Students’ Sake

Rather than hoping for a return to normal, colleges and universities should use this moment to do three difficult things: fix transfer, increase need-based aid and advance teaching quality, Joshua Wyner writes.

Evaluating the Transition to Remote Learning

Educause, a membership organization for higher ed IT professionals, has published a DIY survey kit to help institutions evaluate student...

Researchers in Florida Worry About Access to State Data

The architect and manager of Florida's COVID-19 data dashboard was removed from her post last week, and researchers at several...

New Programs: Counseling, Management, Sports Psychology, Creative Writing, Entrepreneurship

Capital University is starting a master of arts in education, with a focus on clinical mental health counseling. Delaware Valley...

More Bad News on Women's Research Productivity

Another analysis documents productivity declines among women during COVID-19. This one, published in Nature Index, looks at submissions to 11...

The Best in Education Wasn’t Lost When Colleges Went Online

Even as we acknowledge the struggles of college teachers to help students learn and grow under this spring’s difficult circumstances, another side of the story needs to be told, writes Austin Sarat.